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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

USA. Did ASAM Fight to Limit Federal Methadone Reform Bill?

USA. Did ASAM Fight to Limit Federal Methadone Reform Bill?

The American Society for Addiction Medicine (ASAM) successfully fought to prevent expansion of methadone prescribing to a wide range of medical practitioners in a current federal reform bill, alleges a source familiar with the negotiations.

Limiting prescribing to the much smaller group of specialists represented by ASAM weakens the bill’s ability to promote widespread, equitable access to the life-saving medication and prevent overdose deaths.

The United States’ policy of restricting methadone access to clinics, also known as opioid treatment programs (OTPs), is a death sentence. It is a major reason so many are dying from overdose. (Filter, USA, 25.07.2023)