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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Verschiedenes

Integrated and Person-Centered Care Models – New Publications

Integrated and Person-Centered Care Models – New Publications

Two new publications on Integrated and Person-Centered Care Models are now avilable: ‘From “Patients” to “Co-Creators” of Interventions’ and the accompanying Policy Recommendations.

Integrated and person centred-care means putting people and communities, not diseases, at the centre of health systems and empowering people to take charge of their own health, rather than being passive recipients of services. Person-centered frameworks acknowledge the diversity of PWUD and provide a wide range of support services, addressing the negative impact of stigma and discrimination on access to health and social care, the dignity of PWUD and their right to participate in society fully.

A number of critical factors (ideological, political, structural, organizational and individual challenges) continue to hinder implementation of these models. The two publications investigate these challenges and provide policy and practice recommendations for person-centered models. (Correlation, Niederlande, 02.05.2023)