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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Substitution in Haft

Naloxone. "My first 48 hours out“ - Comprehensive approaches to pre and post prison release interventions for drug users in the criminal justice system

Naloxone. "My first 48 hours out“ - Comprehensive approaches to pre and post prison release interventions for drug users in the criminal justice system

Projektbeschreibung: For prisoners with a history of drug use, in particular opioid use, the risks related to drug use, in particular overdose and death are extremely high in the immediate period after release due to high rates of relapse and lower opioid tolerance (Farrell and Marsden, 2008). Much still needs to be done in order to ensure that people with a severe history of drug use are sufficiently cared for, when released from prisons. Harm reduction measures need to be in place for ex-prisoners to be able to readjust to freedom without relapsing back into drug use and extreme risk of fatal overdose when released. 

The immediate time after release (“my first 48 hours out”) is a critical time for action, when the cooperation between prisons, healthcare providers and NGOs is key in ensuring continuity of care and where targeted interventions can save lives from overdose and build a path towards engagement into further treatment and rehabilitation for drug users. (Frankfurt University for Applied Sciences, o.D.)