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GDS2022: The 10th anniversary survey: Could you be participant 1 million?

GDS2022: The 10th anniversary survey: Could you be participant 1 million?

Professor Adam Winstock, Dr Monica Barratt, Dr Emma Davies & Associate Professor Jason Ferris – GDS Core Research Team, on behalf of all at GDS 

Happy birthday to us! 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the first ever Global Drug Survey. Since that time over 900,000 people have taken part in our surveys that have covered all aspects of drug use: everything from sex and drugs, drug delivery and darknet drug markets, changes in drug policy, vaping, novel drugs and the psychedelic renaissance. Throughout that diverse landscape we have kept our singular focus on promoting honest conversations about drug use and helping keep people safe regardless of the legal status of the drug. This year GDS2022 has chosen seven areas to focus on that we considered were of vital public health importance or piqued our curiosity. As always, all GDS surveys collect your data anonymously and confidentially. We have received ethics approval for this study from University College London. (GDS – Global Drug Survey, UK, November 2022)