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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Neue Psychoaktive Substanzen

Eurasien. NPS use in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Eurasien. NPS use in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Throughout the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) region, the use and variety of NPS are relevant issues, although the nature and extent differ among the EECA countries and subregions, with better awareness of their presence among health professionals and people who use drugs. Synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones are predominant groups of NPS and widely available, whereas synthetic opioids seem to be more present in Estonia and Lithuania. Among people who use NPS, there are two key populations: those who have more experience with use of drugs, who have shifted to the use of NPS for a variety of reasons, and young people with no previous history of drug use. (Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA), 2021)