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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Cannabis als Rauschmittel

Double-Edged Leaf: Cannabis and Climate Change (…) On the one hand, hemp farming can be a powerful weapon to help ameliorate the effects of carbon emissions. On the other hand, industrial cannabis production has a formidable and growing carbon footprint.

Double-Edged Leaf: Cannabis and Climate Change

(…) On the one hand, hemp farming can be a powerful weapon to help ameliorate the effects of carbon emissions. On the other hand, industrial cannabis production has a formidable and growing carbon footprint. With the ongoing legalization of the plant and the expansion of its impact on the American economy, it is worth exploring how cannabis might be both a potential cure for and a contributor to climate change—and considering whether the plant can be more beneficial than harmful in this regard. (Points: Joint Blog of the Alcohol & Drugs History Society and the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, USA, 07.09.2021)