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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Nadel- und Spritzentausch

Kanada. Beyond “Zero Tolerance”? Syringe Access in Canadian Prisons

Kanada. Beyond “Zero Tolerance”? Syringe Access in Canadian Prisons

In the outside world, if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere that has harm reduction services, you might have access to a syringe service program. There, you can get supplies and information, or meet with staff and others who use drugs who can teach you how to pack a really good pipe, or tricks to avoid missing a shot. 

Inside prisons, however, it’s a different story. A lot of people use drugs in prisons across North America, but most don’t have access to harm reduction supplies, drug-positive supports or safer drug use information. Drugs are more expensive, and the penalties for getting caught holding or using are harsh. There are also high rates of hepatitis C, HIV and other infections from sharing injection equipment. (Filter, USA, 30.01.2023)