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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

Shifting Geopolitics: How Cocaine Production is Moving into Europe

Shifting Geopolitics: How Cocaine Production is Moving into Europe

Cocaine labs are typically hidden amidst the thick, humid jungles of the Andean mountain range, awash with mosquitos and the deep smell of chemical fumes. These clandestine jungle labs produce the world’s favourite party drug. Yet, in 2020, Dutch authorities found a laboratory on their home turf, in the northern village of Nijeveen

The laboratory, a converted riding school with an attached stable, can produce between 150 to 200 kg of cocaine each day – with an estimated value of about €5 million. The building was completed with sleeping quarters and recreational rooms – a departure from the amateur, tarpaulin-roofed Colombian labs. The lab was the largest cocaine lab in Dutch history, and one of the largest found yet in Europe. Nijeveen’s riding school is part of a growing trend of cocaine-producing labs in Europe. (Talking Drugs, UK, 01.12.2024)