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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

Russland. A Hyperlink to Absurdity - The implementation of the Kremlin’s law on “undesirable organisations” is reaching farcical proportions

Russland. A Hyperlink to Absurdity - The implementation of the Kremlin’s law on “undesirable organisations” is reaching farcical proportions

“We actually thought we had ‘mopped up’ our website and got rid of those  ‘undesirable’  hyperlinks, but we missed one,” Anya Sarang told me, chuckling ruefully. Sarang is the head of the Andrei Rylkov Foundation, a prominent Russian group working to advance responsible drug policy. This week, a court in Moscow fined the group 50,000 rubles (US$862) for involvement with an “undesirable organisation”. The charges stem from a 2011 hyperlink on the group’s website to a publication on the website of the Open Society Foundations (OSF), which Russian authorities banned two years ago. (hrw – human rights watch, 15.11.2017)