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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

Afghanistan. Prosperity or Penury: The political and economic fallout of the opium ban in Afghanistan

Afghanistan. Prosperity or Penury: The political and economic fallout of the opium ban in Afghanistan

Two new reports, one from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and another by David Mansfield and Alcis, show that Afghan farmers have largely complied with the Islamic Emirate’s ban on opium cultivation. They chart a swingeing cut in cultivation in 2023 – just 10,000 to 30,000 hectares of land sown with opium poppy compared to more than two hundred thousand hectares the previous year. AAN’s Kate Clark and Jelena Bjelica have been assessing the consequences of the Emirate’s crackdown on the cultivation of such a highly significant cash crop for people, government and the national economy and also ask whether the ban is now being extended to the trade of opiates out of Afghanistan. (Afghanistan Analysts Network, 15.11.2023)