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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | NAS - Neonatales Abstinenzsyndrom

A Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of Pharmacist-Driven Methadone Stewardship for the Treatment of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome at a Tertiary Children's Hospital. 

A Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of Pharmacist-Driven Methadone Stewardship for the Treatment of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome at a Tertiary Children's Hospital. 

Celestin G, Balding M, Para JL, Utley A, Shaddix BP. 

J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther. 2022;27(8):720-724. doi: 10.5863/1551-6776-27.8.720. Epub 2022 Nov 17. PMID: 36415769; PMCID: PMC9674361.