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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Webinare

Virtual Solutions for Substance Use Care Conference 2022: Capacity, quality and integration across settings (January 25, 2022; 8am-4pm PST)

Virtual Solutions for Substance Use Care Conference 2022: Capacity, quality and integration across settings (January 25, 2022; 8am-4pm PST)

Th The healthcare system in general is struggling with a slow process of transition and change. The COVID-19 pandemic and other public health challenges showed that the current capacity and quality of care are insufficient. It is evident that we need a bigger variety and larger range of interventions and settings to address these crises and take care of the most vulnerable. Patients with high-risk substance use disorders are especially at risk of dying of an overdose and have significant issues accessing appropriate and effective care. (The University of British Columbia, Januar 2022)