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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Webinare

"A holistic approach to opioid dependency treatment: managing patient complexity in practice"

"A holistic approach to opioid dependency treatment: managing patient complexity in practice"

Watch the Summer 2023 educational webinar led by Professor Catriona Matheson and Dr Yasir Abbasi, discussing individual responses to treatment and using quality of life variables as outcome measures in opioid dependent patients.

This expert webinar is suitable for both primary and secondary care clinicians looking to improve care and management of opioid-dependent patients, as well as those with an interest in the field of opioid dependence. 

Listen to our experts discuss how patient background and personal situation affect both their decision-making and willingness/ability to enter into an OD treatment plan and how access to treatment is supported. This webinar also discussed how health-related quality-of-life outcomes may be used to quantify individual response to treatment. (IOTOD - Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence, UK, 12.10.2023, Webinar, 57:48)