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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Verschiedenes

Learn Addiction, the first open e-learning platform on prevention, intervention and treatment of addictions.

Learn Addiction, the first open e-learning platform on prevention, intervention and treatment of addictions.

The platform is accessible from computers, tablets and smartphones and it includes the following modules:
Module 1: Prevention, intervention and treatment of behavioural addictions.
Module 2: Prevention, intervention and treatment of addictions in young people.
Module 3: The gender perspective in the prevention, intervention and treatment of addictions.
Module 4: European drug prevention quality standards.
The Learn Addiction platform ( is available in seven languages (English, Spanish, Slovenian, Portuguese, French, Romanian and Czech) under a Creative Commons license. Thus allowing anyone to freely use it, modify it and build upon.
The Learn Addiction platform is an initiative of UNAD -The Spanish Network of Addiction Organisations- in collaboration with: UTRIP -Institute for Research and Development- (Slovenia), RHRN -Romanian Harm Reduction Network-, DIANOVA Portugal, SANANIM (Czech Republic) and FEDITO BXL -Brussels Federation of Institutions for Drug Addicts- (Belgium) and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.