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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Hepatitiden

Reinfection incidence and risk among people treated for recent hepatitis C virus infection: the react study. 

Reinfection incidence and risk among people treated for recent hepatitis C virus infection: the react study. 

Martinello, Marianne; Carson, Joanne M.; Van Der Valk, Marc; Rockstroh, Jürgen K.; Ingiliz, Patrick; Hellard, Margaret; Nelson, Mark; Lutz, Thomas; Bhagani, Sanjay; Kim, Arthur Y.; Hull, Mark; Cordes, Christiane; Moon, Juhi; Feld, Jordan J.; Gane, Ed; Rauch, Andri; Bruneau, Julie; Tu, Elise; Applegate, Tanya; Grebely, Jason; Dore, Gregory J.; Matthews, Gail V.. 

AIDS ():10.1097/QAD.0000000000003651, July 18, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003651 
