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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Hepatitiden

INPUD Summary Report: WHO Key Populations' Values & Preferences for HIV, Hepatitis and STIs Services 

INPUD Summary Report: WHO Key Populations' Values & Preferences for HIV, Hepatitis and STIs Services 


Over the last several months INPUD has collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) Department for Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes on a global qualitative study examining the values and preferences of key populations, including people who inject drugs, for HIV, Hepatitis and STIs services. The findings of this study will inform the update of the WHO 2016 Consolidated Guidelines for HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations. These Guidelines will be used to inform countries on the design and implementation of health packages for key populations, making it extremely important that they take into account the specific values and preferences of each key population included in the study (people who inject drugs, gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men, female, male and trans sex workers and trans people). (INPUD - The International Network of People who Use Drugs, 2021)