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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Hepatitiden

Australien. High burden of hepatitis C among people who inject drugs highlights the urgent need for harm reduction and treatment strategies

Australien. High burden of hepatitis C among people who inject drugs highlights the urgent need for harm reduction and treatment strategies

Sydney. Globally, more than one in three (39%) people who have injected drugs in the last year are living with hepatitis C infection, according to new research from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre and the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney.

The research, published today in Addiction, is the first time researchers have estimated the global, regional and national numbers of people who inject drugs that are living with hepatitis C. This work will set the baseline for tracking progress of strategies designed to prevent and treat hepatitis C among people who inject drugs. (National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Australien, 24.07.2018)