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USA. Could Big Data Beat Our Opioid Crisis?

USA. Could Big Data Beat Our Opioid Crisis?

(…) Just as an ER doctor must stop a car crash victim’s bleeding before damaged organs can be repaired, the first step to fighting OUD is to keep the patient safe while they use drugs. How? By preventing overdoses. 

Cognizant of this truth, an upstart from Canada named Brave already leverages tech to accomplish this mission. Brave’s app can connect an opioid user to a volunteer when they are about to abuse drugs. Both parties remain anonymous to each other, but the app records the user’s emergency plan, and the volunteer communicates with them before, during, and after to ensure they are safe. Although these volunteers are human today, there is a strong use case for AI with the Brave app. (In a drastic situation, does it matter if it is a human or AI that messages you to ensure you’re safe?). (Forbes, USA, 01.11.2021)