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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Verschiedenes

Children whose parents use drugs

Children whose parents use drugs

In 2021, the Pompidou Group introduced a subject that so far has not received enough attention: children whose parents use drugs. The impact of parental substance use is reflected in the children’s development outcomes and in their daily lives. In order to protect children, it is necessary to address their needs as holders of human rights and make sure they grow up in a healthy and protected environment.

This project addresses both the children and parents affected by substance use while focusing on the programmes, services and practices in place in the different states to address the issue. It includes a wide range of interventions in the field of programmes aimed at families and children, services for women who use substances and are mothers, dependence treatment services that take into account parental responsibilities and the children’s needs and particular situation, as well as shelters for female victims and survivors of violence who use substances. (Pompidou Group und Council of Europe, Juli 2023)